2022-02-03 Circular E.02.2022-DEBATE VIRTUAL IMEKO

2022-02-03 Circular E.002.2022-DEBATE VIRTUAL IMEKO




Fecha: 3 de febrero de 2022

Estimados asociados de EUROLAB-España,

Desde EUROLAB aisbl, nos envían la invitación al próximo debate virtual de IMEKO, con una duración de 45 minutos "IMEKO Talks on Chemical Measurements", titulado "Measurements and diagnostic techniques for cultural heritage’’, organizado por IMEKO TC-24 " Chemical Measurements ", que se celebrará el día 8 de febrero de 2022 a las 13:00 h. (CET). El evento es gratuito, podéis uniros en el siguiente Link: Click here to join the meeting

What: 45-minute Discussion Club IMEKO Talks on Chemical Measurements

Who: IMEKO TC-24 “Chemical Measurements”

Name of the discussion room: Measurements and diagnostic techniques for cultural heritage

Date and time: 8 Feb 2022, 1 p.m. (CET)

Link: Click here to join the meeting

Fee: free of charge for participants

Name and surname of the moderator: Sabrina Grassini sabrina.grassini@polito.it

Short description of the discussion topic:   The scientific approach to the conservation of metallic works of art is now based on the concept of preventive conservation, defined as “all measures and actions aimed at avoiding and minimizing future damages”. In this contest, chemical measurements play a fundamental role both in studying the degradation mechanisms as well as in the development of tailored conservation strategies.

Briefly about the moderator: PhD in Metallurgy, Associate Professor of Applied Physical Chemistry at Politecnico di Torino (Italy); Secretary of the WP21 Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artefacts, European Federation of Corrosion (EFC); Secretary of the International Corrosion Council (ICC); chair and TPC of the IMEKO MetroArchaeo conference; long-time expertise in corrosion and safeguard of archaeological and historica metallic works of art.

Recibid un cordial y afectuoso saludo,

Elena García Hernanz

Secretaria Administrativa de EUROLAB-España

