2022-02-10 Circular E.04.2022-TIC TALKS IMEKO-TC11
2022-02-10 Circular E.004.2022-TIC TALKS IMEKO-TC11
Fecha: 10 de febrero de 2022
Estimados asociados de EUROLAB-España,
Desde EUROLAB aisbl, nos envían la invitación al próximo debate virtual de IMEKO, con una duración de 45 minutos, titulado "Lab of the future", organizado por IMEKO TC-11 "Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification", que se celebrará el día 1 de marzo de 2022 a las 13:00 h. (CET). El evento es gratuito, podéis uniros en el siguiente Link: Click here to join the meeting
What: 45-minute Discussion Club “TIC talks”
Who: IMEKO TC-11 “Measurement in Testing, Inspection and Certification”
Name of the discussion room: Lab of the future
Date and time: 1 Mar 2022, 13:00 CET
Link: Click here to join the meeting (the link is active only during the meeting)
Fee: free of charge for participants
Name and surname of the moderator: Alvaro Silva Ribeiro asribeiro@lnec.pt
Briefly about the moderator: Álvaro Silva Ribeiro has a PhD in Physics, with a career-related labs of 30 years. He is Head of the Metrological Quality Division, Quality Manager, and Head of Hydraulic Metrology Lab in the Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. He is a former president of EUROLAB aisbl (2015-2021) and president of RELACRE (Portuguese Association of Accredited Laboratories) since 2012. He has several R&I interests namely related to traceability and measurement science, mathematical and computational tools, measurement uncertainty, data management, and quality management systems.
Short description of the discussion topic: The use of new technological trends found in Industry requires new approaches to meet the requirements in materials, products, and services for which conformity assessment is key to assure safety and quality of life. Growing demands related to digital transformation, 5G communication, artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchain, among others, are strongly connected to innovation in labs. This requires also thinking about how labs will face major challenges of sustainability, cybersecurity, competence, and the human role in new types of organizations. Labs and TIC industry are changing quickly to provide safety and quality in a new global framework.
Recibid un cordial y afectuoso saludo,
Elena García Hernanz
Secretaria Administrativa de EUROLAB-España