2023-03-30 Circular E.07.2023-ENCUESTA MRAs
2023-03-30 Circular E.007.2023-ENCUESTA MRAs
Fecha: 30 de marzo de 2023
Estimados asociados de EUROLAB-España,
Como parte de la colaboración de EUROLAB aisbl con DG TRADE de la Comisión Europea, os enviamos el enlace para cumplimentar una encuesta sobre Acuerdos de Reconocimiento Mutuo sobre Evaluación de la Conformidad, antes del 28 de abril.
Os rogamos nos enviéis un correo de confirmación una vez la rellenéis.
As part of our collaboration with DG TRADE of the European Commission, we are sharing with you the following survey and kindly asking you to fill it out by 28 April 2023.
The survey covers the topic of Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) on conformity assessment, instruments that facilitate market access by reducing costs and time associated with mandatory product certification and testing, while maintaining a high level of safety. The EU currently has MRAs with Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the USA.
While MRAs offer significant business opportunities, not only to exporters but also to CABs themselves, there is only a limited number of CABs in the EU that are designated under an MRA so far. Therefore, the European Commission would like to raise awareness with regards to the potential of MRAs and understand issues that possibly prevent EU CABs from becoming designated under an MRA.
Moreover, since most EU MRAs were concluded more than 20 years ago, they might not adequately cover some more recent regulatory requirements and developments. By means of this survey, the European Commission would like to understand which additional MRAs would be beneficial from the point of view of EU CABs in the future.
Find more information and the survey here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/invited/39311/5e35aff9-57d7-4740-93b1-e5ff325d5795
Recibid un cordial y afectuoso saludo,
Elena García Hernanz
Secretaria Administrativa de EUROLAB-España