2020-10-21 Circular E.016.2020-NOTICIAS EUROLAB AISBL IV





Fecha: 21 de octubre de 2020

Estimados asociados de EUROLAB-España,

Enviamos un listado de noticias recopiladas por EUROLAB AISBL, con sus correspondientes links para ampliar información, por si fueran de vuestro interés.

UK government under pressure to prove data adequacy to EU

The UK government is coming under increasing pressure to convince Brussels regulators that the country’s data protection landscape is fit for EU personal data, amid wider concerns that UK surveillance practices compromise the security of EU standards.

Source: Euractiv

Digital Services Act should avoid rules on ‘harmful’ content, Big Tech tells EU

New EU measures regulating the web should avoid, in the first instance, rules on the hosting of online content deemed “harmful” but not “illegal”, a Brussels trade association representing the world’s largest online platforms has said. In a position paper published on 12 October, industry lobby EDiMA has called for the EU’s upcoming Digital Services Act to introduce a “legal basis to act” on the hosting of illegal content, while avoiding, for the time being, the “challenging” task of regulating against harmful content. “With content/activity that is ‘harmful’ but not illegal, often a service provider will have to make determinations as to where to draw the line between free speech and the right to information versus the possible harm caused to users,” states the paper, which is supported by EDiMA members such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) represents the EU’s ambitious plan to regulate online services, and will cover areas of the platform economy ranging from liability for content, market dominance, and advertising, to safety, smart contracts, online self-employment, and future governance frameworks. The package of measures is due to be unveiled by the European Commission on December 2.

Source: Euractiv

Digital Services Act an ‘incredible opportunity for EU to set global standards’ says Greens MEP: Speaking at a virtual news conference on Tuesday, Alexandra Geese said the planned legislation is a chance to “rediscover the real potential of the Internet.” Under the Digital Services Act (DSA), a key policy of President Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission plans to draw up extensive rules to govern what tech companies can and cannot do. It will contain a range of legislative tools to prohibit what it sees as anti-competitive behaviour and oblige companies to do more to protect their users against illegal content and activities. The DSA is due to be formally unveiled in December with parliament’s plenary due to vote on three separate reports on the issue at its plenary starting on 19 October. Parliament is expected to urge the Commission to provide online platforms with a clear legal framework on how they should handle users’ complaints and how they should (or should not) remove or disable illegal content.

Source: The Parliament

WTO authorises EU tariffs on $4 billion of US goods over Boeing dispute

The World Trade Organisation on Tuesday (13 October) authorised the EU to impose tariffs on US exports worth $4 billion in compensation for the subsidies given to Boeing by Washington.

Source: Euractiv

EU chemicals strategy to address pesticide chemical cocktails.

The EU chemicals strategy adopted on Wednesday (14 October) aims to address the cumulative and combined effects of chemicals, including pesticides, stressing a need to accelerate work on methodologies that ensure existing provisions can be fully implemented.

Source: Euractiv

Member states reserve right to ban pesticides authorised in EU, rules EU court.

Europe’s highest court has concluded that member states have the right to ban pesticides even if they are permitted at the EU level, provided they officially inform the European Commission. The ruling, issued on Thursday (8 October), was taken after the French government made the decision to prohibit the use of certain neonicotinoid pesticides authorised by the EU executive. Neonicotinoids are a class of pesticides which are chemically similar to nicotine and target insects. They have come under fire in recent years for contributing to the decline of bees through disrupting their sense of orientation, memory and mode of reproduction. The pesticide industry’s lobby sought the annulment of the government act on the basis that it was incompatible with the EU regulation which harmonises the authorisation of active substances and plant protection products (PPPs) in the 27 member states.

Source: Euractiv

New EU chemicals strategy targets harmful consumer products

A new strategy on chemicals, unveiled Wednesday by the EU Commission, would prohibit the use of the most harmful chemicals in consumer products such as toys, cosmetics and detergents.

Source: EUbusiness

EU launches ‘renovation wave’ for greener, more stylish buildings:

The European Commission launched a renovation wave and a “new European Bauhaus” on Wednesday (14 October), aiming to rally popular support behind plans to cut emissions from buildings and reduce energy bills.

Source: Euractiv

Helping small businesses trade internationally

The European Commission launched the Access2Markets online portal Tuesday, to help small and medium-sized firms trade beyond the EU's borders and successfully navigate the world of international trade. Source: EUbusiness

EU, China sign food protection deal:

During a virtual summit held on Monday, the EU and China signed a bilateral agreement to protect each other’s exported food and drink items against “usurpation and imitation.”

Source: New Europe

Five big questions as America votes: Cybersecurity. With the next US presidential election in less than two months, the next administration will face no shortage of substantive cyber policy issues. US adversaries such as China and Russia continue to undermine and fracture the free and open internet. The technology ecosystem has been altered by the rapid adoption of cloud computing, placing immense power and responsibility in the hands of few technology giants, such as Amazon and Microsoft. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have forced millions of Americans to rely on remote technologies to work and study from home. These trends and an increasing number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices are raising new concerns over privacy and security at the forefront of policy discussions.

Source: Atlantic Council

OPEC Says U.S. Oil Production Recovering Faster Than Expected. The U.S. energy industry is recovering more quickly than previously expected from the fall in production from the coronavirus pandemic, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said Tuesday. In its monthly report, OPEC softened its forecast for the amount by which non-OPEC oil supply will decline this year by 300,000 barrels a day. Production from outside the cartel is now seen falling by 2.4 million barrels a day, or 3.6% from last year’s levels.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Leaders Release Unprecedented Map of Blockchain Standards. Industry leaders today released the Global Standards Mapping Initiative (GSMI), the first and most comprehensive effort to assess the current state of blockchain. Based on input from over 30 technical standard-setting entities, 185 jurisdictions and nearly 400 industry groups, the reports are accessible to the public and intended to serve as a resource for the blockchain community to develop thoughtful frameworks and standards to propel the industry forward.

Source: Modern Diplomacy

U.S. Moves to Protect Technologies Considered Critical to National Security. Artificial intelligence, quantum information science and semiconductors are on a new list of advanced technologies that the U.S. is aiming to protect under guidelines being released Thursday.

The technologies on the list, which is being released by the White House’s National Security Council, are considered critical to the country’s national security position, including military, intelligence and economic interests.

Source: Wall Street Journal

Consumers Should Take Notice: Counterfeiters Don’t Take Holidays! A recent report by Deloitte suggests that holiday retail spending could increase as much as 1.5% this year, rising to over $1.15 trillion in sales between November and January. When coupled with the rising dominance of e-commerce, which has been fueled by the pandemic, it can be expected that much of this spending will happen online as consumers continue to grapple with the impact of COVID and retail closures. Yet, as highlighted by a recent NPR story on counterfeit Lego kits, consumers must remain ever vigilant about the threat of counterfeit toys, gifts and other products that make up the bulk of holiday purchases. Whenever and wherever consumers spend their hard earned money, counterfeiters seemingly are standing ready to take advantage and make a profit.

Source: Forbes

Happy Prime Day: Trump Directs Federal Government to Pursue Legislation Making E-Commerce Platforms Liable for Counterfeit Sales. In a recent post, we summarized recent developments in litigation and legislative activity concerning whether online marketplaces may be directly liable for the sale of defective and counterfeit products on their platforms. Now the executive branch has weighed in, with President Trump issuing (on Prime Day, no less) a Memorandum on Stopping Counterfeit Trafficking on E-Commerce Platforms Through Fines and Civil Penalties. The Memorandum directs the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to consider taking all appropriate action, consistent with applicable law, to:

(i) seize counterfeit goods imported into the United States in connection with a transaction on an e-commerce platform; and

(ii) impose the maximum fines and civil penalties permitted by law on any e-commerce platform that directs, assists with, or is in any way concerned in the importation into the United States of counterfeit goods.

Source: National Law Review

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Recibid un cordial y afectuoso saludo,

Elena García Hernanz

Secretaria Administrativa de EUROLAB-España
